Wilson, David A's books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.Statement by David A. Wilson, Professor of Political Science, UCLA, and Executive Secretary of the Academic Advisory Council for Thailand1970
2.Thailand - 19621962
3.The Military in Thai Politics
4.Political Tradition and Political Change in Thailand1962
5.Major Problems, from Governments and Politics of Southeast Asia1959
6.The Political Process, from Governments and Politics of Southeast Asia1959
7.Trip for AACT To Thailand1968
8.Thailand and Marxism, from Marxism in Southeast Asia1959
9.Politics in Thailand1967
10.The United States and the Future of Thailand1970
11.Politics in Thailand1962
12.The United States and the future of Thailand1970
13.The United States and the Future of Thailand1970
14.Teaching notes contemporary financial reporting : a casebook1979
15.Politics in Thailand1967
16.Contempory financial reproting : a csaesbook
17.Nation building and revolutionary war1962
18.China, Thailand and the spirit of Bandung1962
19.Bangkok's Dim View to the East1961